The story begins with our feeble attempts to change our "widow-maker" shower head. Yes, it's called a widow-maker because electricity is wired directly into the shower head to heat the water. As water flows through the shower head, the heater comes on and heats the water a bit. I'm sure you can imagine dangerous scenarios with water and electricity going through one shower head. We are happy the shower head is mounted high enough that we can't accidentally touch it.
So . . . we tried to change the shower head ourselves, and found it was beyond our limited abilities.
This shower was obviously not going to work, so I headed off to the 2nd bathroom to take a shower.
This little guy was in control of the shower. Yes, I know geckos are small, harmless & eat insects (not people). However I didn't really want to share the shower with him. I did, but our time together was brief.
The next day when the plumber arrived, we learned that we have been living on the edge shower-wise. Neither shower was connected to a ground wire, and so at any point we could have experienced a good jolt of electricity just by taking a shower. We are thankful that didn't happen!!!
Here's to showers that are grounded!!!